
On any given day, when you fall asleep, you sleep alone. No one really sleeps with you, no one can bring sleep to your eyes and you cannot feel someone’s company when you sleep. Even with another person lying down right next to you, holding your hand, even if that person is your own mother, you fall asleep by yourself. You sleep alone.

On any given day, when you are finished sharing food, sharing space, and sharing words, you sit with yourself alone. No one can really talk to you, no one can really remain in your thoughts forever. It is a person now, a thing later, and a fleeting emotion sometime after. You really do sit with yourself alone.

The world is a lonely place, not your friends, not your loved ones, not your colleagues, not your boss or you servants and followers, none of them can really give you company. At the end of the day, it is you alone who can give you company. You are born alone, an entity by yourself, with a mind of your own and a body for yourself. You die alone, and it is your last breath. So why must the shackles of love, loyalty, friendship, and bonding, and of responsibility and debt create fear in your heart, and tie you down to do less than you imagine? Why must they hinder you from making a decision, when you are, at the end of the day, a person entirely by yourself? Why must you be burdened by the emotions of others when they cannot be with you in life or in death? Why must your pursuit of happiness be retarded by others’ apprehensions?

I think it is good to be liberated from these bonds. I believe that we are only responsible for our own acts and omissions, and therefore, must allow ourselves to freely, with an attitude of shameless self-service, pursue happiness.